Apr 262014

Without intention to do so, I found myself yet again this morning photographing the play of morning sunlight and green leaves.  There is so much possibility here, in the ways the early morning and late-day sun illuminate, for a brief moment, a particular leaf or plant.  The light calls to me — there is so much to wonder at that I had never noticed before.  In this particular moment captured in this image, a misshapen hickory (mockernut?) leaf catches the sunlight and becomes a form of beauty and delight.


  2 Responses to “Day 116: Moment in the Sunlight”

  1. Let there be light. I never tire of your photographs that focus on the transient play of light.

    • Nor do I, Jane. Today (Day 122), I posted yet another image celebrating light among the leaves. There is such wonder in those early morning and early evening hours, when the light brings such vibrancy to all that it touches. Thank you.

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