Apr 302014

A couple of days ago, I photographed this plant with tiny yellow flowers (less than half an inch across), flourishing in a ditch along Piney Woods Church Road.  I have held off posting it, pending an identification.  After poring over several wildflower guides, to no avail, I put the task to my Plant Identification Facebook group.  Wow, how helpful everyone was!  After several suggestions from others and a bit more research on my own, I am fairly confident that this plant is Southern Ragwort (Packera anonyma), a perennial native herb.  Traditionally used by Native Americans to prevent pregnancy and treat heart trouble, the plant contains toxins and therefore should be used medicinally only with extreme caution.

Southern Ragwort

  2 Responses to “Southern Ragwort”

  1. I am glad you were able to make a final identification.

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