Jan 082014

Some of my photographs, such as the ice mural from yesterday, are very much premeditated creations. It was a brutally cold Tuesday afternoon, and I expected to find interesting ice patterns somewhere along Piney Woods Church Road.  Once I saw the marvelous examples of frozen ice bubbles in rut marks, I knew I had my image for the day.  Today’s photograph, on the other hand, was much more serendipitous.  I anticipated a few clouds at sunset, since tomorrow is predicted to be mostly cloudy.  What I did not anticipate (or discover, until I got home and reviewed my photographs) was the image below.  It looks as if the tree branches and clouds are interacting with each other — the tree branches somehow pushing the cloud edges away.

Sunset with Branches and Clouds

  2 Responses to “Day Eight: Sunset with Branches and Clouds”

  1. Your sunset photo is just beautiful! It looks so mysterious with the tree limbs and clouds the way they are. Love it!

  2. Bonnie,

    Thank you for the kind words! The photo was a delightful find when I went through the various ones I took today. I don’t even recall taking it….


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