Jun 012014

Today was, without doubt, the most difficult day I have experienced in my photo-odyssey thus far.  A couple of pulled muscles and tendons in my left leg required me to drive to Piney Woods Church Road yesterday, hobbling my way along only half the distance of the road.  Today, the leg had worsened considerably, to the point that I could put practically no weight onto it at all.  For a few minutes, I actually considered the prospect of abandoning the enterprise.  Just getting from my office to the back door of the house was a frustration; getting across the yard and driveway to the car took several minutes.  I arrived at the car, lifted my leg by the sock top to place it in the car (it is too weak to lift without support), and realized I had forgotten my car key.  Fortunately, the cell phone was in the car, so I was able to call my wife in the house (easily the shortest-distance call I have ever made) and ask her to bring it to me.  I abandoned all thought of getting out of the car and attempting a brief roadside hobble; I settled instead for taking photographs out the open window of the Prius.  Fortunately, a neighbor provided a ready-made subject for the camera — a new horse fence along the roadway, completed just this past week.  Here’s hoping I will be back up to at least a few minutes of groundwork by tomorrow afternoon.


New Fence




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