Jul 222014

I glimpsed this brilliant red Eastern Velvet Ant (Dasymutilla occidentalis) hurriedly making its way across the pine needles scattered along the edge of Piney Church Road.  She (the males actually have wings) scarcely paused on her travels, but thanks to the wonders of high shutter speeds, I was able to catch her in this image.  I do admit that her velvety fur almost begs one to touch it.  Almost.  Fortunately, knowledge of this flightless wasp’s other common name, “cow killer ant” is enough to remind me of her potent venom.  This beautiful but dangerous femme fatale is worthy of a song, one that might begin, “She wore red velvet….”





  2 Responses to “Eastern Velvet Ant”

  1. this is beautiful and scary and the stuff of nightmares, Clifford.

    • Robin, I confess that I find the velvet ant to be quite attractive. Maybe that is because it sports my high school colors — the red and black of Hatboro-Horsham School District in Pennsylvania. Or maybe it is its soft, furry quality. That said, I respect its sting, which is supposedly quite painful. So I admire from a distance. 🙂

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