Aug 212014

On my morning walk down Piney Woods Church Road today, I encountered this wasp with the most slender waist that I have ever seen, apparently gathering nectar from a Hoary Mountainmint.  I mistook it for a Thin-Waisted Wasp at first, but an expert at BugGuide on Facebook set me to rights.  It is actually a species of mason wasp, Zethus spinipes.  Researching this species further, I was astonished to find that relatively little is known about it.  Supposedly it nests in abandoned burrows of other insects, but this has not been confirmed.  One source, a web page from the Extension Service of the University of Florida, even cited a source on the genus dating back to 1894, though noting that it was likely in error.  If anyone is looking for a biology research project at the MS or PhD level, Zethus spinipes is certainly available.  



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