Oct 242014

As autumn proceeds, insect life gets more scarce along Piney Woods Church Road.  Lately, I have been craving an encounter with some sort of creature making its rounds along the road.  This afternoon, I encountered two:  a wasp and a grasshopper (the latter the topic of another post).

I found this bright yellow wasp buzzing along near the ground, moving into and out of the leaf litter. It rested for a moment on a a leaf, but took off quickly when I pointed the camera its way.  I waited again for it to make landfall, only for the same thing to happen again.  On maybe the fourth try, she perched on a Hoary Mountainmint leaf and stayed put, occupied with grooming her antennae.  I took quite a few photographs, most of which ended up a bit blurry.  This one did not.  According to the BugGuide experts, she is most likely the Ichneumon wasp, Neotheronia septentrionalis.



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