Mar 122014

On my latest venture to a nearby public garden, I again found myself entranced by the local, obviously well-fed, gray squirrel population.  Here are several images from my wanderings there.

Squirrel One

Squirrel Two

Squirrel Three

Squirrel Four

  2 Responses to “Appreciating Squirrels”

  1. The squirrels obviously have had a plentiful winter! I saw two squirrels a couple days ago, when it was 70* in Indiana, playing and looking for the walnuts they hid in my yard! Spring is around the corner. I do enjoy looking at your web site.

    Thank you for posting these little creatures!

    Take care and be well, Sandra

    • Sandra,

      Thank you for the kind words. I am delighted that you are enjoying my blog. I am seeing lots of squirrels these days, but only the ones in the Atlanta Botanical Garden are willing to pose for me.


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