May 022014

With today’s project, I reach a third of the way through a year along Piney Woods Church Road.  I continue to feel immense gratitude that there is so much that is wondrous yet to discover on my journey.  Lately, I have become entranced with the play of light.  Late this afternoon, I set out with my wife and our four small dogs on a walk there, my expectations tempered by a mostly cloudy sky.  As we walked, though, the sunlight emerged and lit the woods and pastures ablaze with yellow-gold.  In this photo, the leaves of this greenbrier are glowing brightly, as if caught up in a dance of light.

Dance of Light

Mar 252014

Over the past three months, I have taken several dozen photographs of the thick, wiry vines of greenbrier, festooned with massive thorns and draping themselves along several of the tree trunks along Piney Woods Church Road.  Today, when I had no intention of trying to do so, I caught an image of them that I find striking.  If a jazz riff could be photographed, perhaps it would look something like this.

Look Sharp!

Mar 112014

Thank you, Karen Reed, for your excellent suggestion of a title for today’s photograph of a greenbrier leaf.  I feel drawn to photographing the fascinating internal structures of leaves, and this is one of the most stunning examples I have yet encountered.


Feb 252014

Three red greenbrier leaves stand out vibrantly against the forest background on Piney Woods Church Road.   After a cloudy spell, the late-day sun shone magnificently through the trees.  Much though I eagerly embrace the spring, there is much beauty to the bare branches and lingering leaves of these late winter days.

Three Leaves