May 282014

On Day 148, I set out shortly after 9 am in search of something new and intriguing.  A new horse fence is being installed along Piney Woods Church Road, and I was also distracted by various frustrations, so I found it more difficult than usual to focus on all the beauty around me.  Still, I found this lovely common persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) leaf, glowing with the morning sunlight.  It is quite sufficient for the day.


Persimmon Shading

Apr 132014

On an early morning saunter down Piney Woods Church Road (rather unusual for me; I tend to frequent the sunset hours far more often), I paused to photograph the newly-opened leaves of a common persimmon (Diospyros virginiana).  I am discovering that if a plant is classified as common, it is often overlooked and under-appreciated.


Jan 122014

Bright mid-morning sunshine greeted my arrival at Piney Woods Church Road today.  The road was no longer covered with flowing water, and yesterday’s water droplets were gone.  Still, I found plenty to photograph, including various vines, resurrection ferns, and reflections in the water remaining in roadside ditches.  Toward the end of my walk, a persimmon leaf, still attached to a sapling and still mostly dark green, beckoned me.  I took out my +10 macro lens — one that actually has to be pressed into the subject of the image in order to achieve focus — and took several images of the leaf.  The result is this leafscape, vibrant with color in the midst of a drab Georgia winter.

Persimmon Leafscape